Franchising your business - FAQ

Here are the franchising articles related to 'Franchise'

What are the Obligations of Franchisors and Franchisees?
A- The obligations of the Franchisors
The franchisor has to follow these rules:
- Before working with the franchise system they have to work at a pilot store of their own. - The franchisor has to have the rights and royalties of a certain brand or service. -  The franchisor has to provide training and support through the course of the contract. 

B- The Obligations of a Individual Franchisee

The individual franchisee has to follow these rules: 
- They should be willing to work fort he improvement of the franchise system and keeping the brands reputation. 

- The franchisee has to provide the franchisor with up to date information on finances and sales. They should be able to provide any paperwork when the franchisor asks for it.C- The obligations of both Franchisors and Franchisees 

Both parties have to be honest. Franchisor has to warn the franchisee in writing if they don’t follow their part of the contract. The parties should try to reconcile their differences with honesty and dignity.

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